It's been a crazy perfect couple of days. Mr. F learned to scream in my face, I painted his face, I made - remade - remade - and I think at least once more remade some Photoshop files, we ate chicken and pancakes because the waffle maker crapped out, and topped it all off with
dessert. Like I said kind of perfect.
I'm not sure what to do about Mr. F screaming. I've consulted some experts and got the range of ideas from putting his nose in the corner (he's 11 months old?) to ignoring him. Early in the day while I still have a little sanity left it's actually pretty funny to watch his little face as he belts one out. But by about 3:30 I'm ready to go Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone on him (insert AHHHHHHH!).
In an effort to spend more quality time with him so he could see it's not necessary to hit the terrible twos already, we decided to do a little painting. It turned out to be more fun for me than him but I think he got the point as he only screamed to himself and his cousin today instead of at me. Counts, right?
Today we were lucky enough to spend the whole day with Sister and her family. She is one of three people Mr. F will let not only look at him but hold him too! As you can imagine, she's amazing. We spent the day
crafting making things that didn't work the way they were supposed. Absolutely not my fault. It started with painting pumpkins. Someday I'll realized I'm not as crafty as I think I am and I'll save so much $ by just buying whatever it is I think I need instead of trying to make it, throwing it away, and then ultimately buying it anyway. When crafting didn't work out we decided to cook instead. The
pumpkin roll definitely didn't look as good as it tasted. 50/50 right? Luckily, Nana (Sister's MIL) came over and sort of saved the day. She had mentioned chicken & waffles days ago and my mouth has been salivating ever since. I've never actually had chicken & waffles but seriously...chicken & waffles...could they be bad? Surprisingly, the waffle maker from Goodwill preformed like a waffle maker from Goodwill and we ended up with chicken & pancakes. No complaints. They. Were. Delicious. Nana made the most amazing chicken I've ever had in my life and the pancakes were a total win and end to a crazy perfect day.
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