Friday, November 30, 2012
Baby Christmas Tree Craft
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Advent Calendar
I love the commercialized idea of Advent calendars. Gifts every day of December? Yes, please! I love shopping (such a girl) and I love picking out the perfect present for someone. Even if all 25 presents are for Mr. F and he totally isn't going to get it. Most of them are books and fun craft activities. I did sneak in a few days worth of candy too. Mom and Dad need a little Advent love too right? I saw this adorable Calendar at Garnet Hill. Love that store.
Unfortunately, for many reasons, I'm not rich. So I decided to make my own! I was able to pick the colors, size, and presents (did I mention presents?!?) to put in them. While these probably aren't quite as cute as the original Garnet Hill ones, they aren't too bad.
1. I picked out the felt and waited in line for 45 minutes while an extremely friendly (or not) old lady cut material as slowly as humanly possible.
2. I drew a few different stockings. I wanted to have 5 of each stocking but after 4 stockings I realized there are only so many ways I can draw a sock. I did a little tracing and cut out 25 stockings.
Baked Ravioli
Frozen ravioli (my pack had 16 raviolis)
Pasta sauce (I used an arrabiata sauce...yum)
2 cups shredded mozzarella
Parmesan (as much as you want! I wanted about 3/4 cup)
~Preheat oven to 400
~In an 8x8 baking dish spread about 1/4 cup sauce
~Arrange half of the raviolis on top of sauce then top with half of the remaining sauce and half of the mozzarella
~Repeat previous step
~Top with Parmesan. Like I said, yum.
~Baked covered for 30 minutes. Remove foil and bake for 15 minutes.
~Try not to burn your face off with all the cheese. Can you have too much cheese? I don't think so!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
The terrible twos already?
Today was supposed to be an awesome day. We were going to go to the fire station for the first time and I was going to get adorable pictures and a laugh when Mr. F came unglued and scratched my skin off when he heard the sirens. Unfortunately, the firemen had to work and we didn't get to go. Saved my skin temporarily, at least.
Sister suggested we go to the Austin Children's Museum instead. This sounds like an awesome idea. How could this go wrong? A place where kids can basically run free and do whatever they want.
Mr. F wanted to crawl up the stairs, climb on the pulley system, run out the front door, and roll around on the floor throwing fits. It was such a disaster that I sent the husband a picture every time he threw himself to the floor. "Such a sweet boy."
To top off a perfect morning we had lunch outside and a bird crapped on me. Awesome day. Can't wait to go back.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Turkey Craft
3. I forgot to take pictures (because I had paint every where and guess who was screaming?) of a few steps...Let the paint dry and cut out the hands
4. Paint cardboard toilet paper roll. Let dry
5. Tape/Glue paper hands together to look like feathers
6. Tape/Glue painted toilet paper roll to the "feathers"
7. Draw adorable face on toilet paper roll
8. Adorable!
Good Old Fashioned Banana Bread
~The original recipe has at least 5 steps. Mine...
~Mix everything together
~Poor into a greased bread pan
~Bake at 350 for about 55 minutes, slather on the butter, and eat up!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Birthday Pancakes
3/4 cup flour
1/2 cup funfetti cake mix (yes, use funfetti!)
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
dash of salt
1 egg
1 cup milk
1/2 vanilla
syrup/ frosting
powdered sugar
~Mix all the ingredients for the pancake batter together. Don't lick the bowl. It looks like cake batter but it's not.
~Melt a little butter in a skillet and make pancakes. Difficult, right?
~The hard part is actually the syrup/frosting. No matter how many times I make this kind of frosting I feel like I never do it right and I have no idea how to measure it. I usually end up with about a gallon of frosting and an empty milk container before I get it right. However, this is supposed to be easy so mix powdered sugar and milk until you get the desired consistency :)
~Pour over pancakes and top with sprinkles, a candle, and sing happy birthday!
Huge Family Photo
I did start off the way they told me to. I drove 30 miles to Staples (note...every other office supply store does this too! Don't drive 30 miles, go to Office Max) to get an engineered print. This was pretty cool. I expected the picture to be pixelated but it wasn't. It was stunningly huge though. I ordered the 24x36 print for $4.99. Fat rolls zoomed in? Of course, why not?
I drove home with my new frame stabbing me in the side because I picked a rainy day to do this project across town. Miraculously, I made it home without being impaled and decided for a fresh start. I painted the frame with some left over paint and was ready to easily apply the picture and be done. Again, Ha! The paint went on easily and I got over confident. First, this part is my fault, I used Mod Podge (what the hell is that stuff? As far as I can tell, really expensive Elmer's Glue) to apply the picture to the frame. Mistake. The picture immediately bubbled up. I threw the paintbrush. The next day I went to Office Max and asked for an engineered print. Yes, they can do them! BUT, if you are going there be prepared for incompetent print services employees. I had to tell the nice (or not) girl behind the counter how to print. Seriously? Isn't that her job? Anyway, saved time and money.
This time I used spray adhesive. Yes, much better except the husband decided it was going to dry clear so he sprayed it all over the board. Doesn't dry clear. He convinces me that it's savable we just need to use the Mod Podge and paint over the whole picture like the instructions explain. Again, failure. Mod Podge makes the paper bubble up immediately! I still haven't figured out how or why people use that stuff. I may have thrown the paint brush again. Then I repainted the frame.
Happy First Birthday Mr. F!
Today was an almost perfect day. Husband stayed home from work and we celebrated Mr. F from sunrise to sunset. Most nights I'm ready for bed time but everyone morning (provided it's after 7 am) I love waking up and listening to him talk to himself. Unfortunately, he woke up sick and didn't get to enjoy his birthday as much as we did. We started the day with birthday pancakes. Really we started the day with cake in the shape of pancakes. If I didn't have such refined taste buds and didn't require mimosas and breakfast tacos on my birthday this would definitely be my choice. I mean cake for breakfast, yes, please! After breakfast we stayed in our pjs and played outside on some of the awesome new birthday gifts. Again, I'm not sure who had more fun? Husband took him for a ride at the park and climbed all over the place with him. I wish we were independently wealthy and could spend this much time together all the time. That's not unreasonable is it? After a much needed nap we had the whole family over for dinner and more cake. Yes, please! Over all I think it was a pretty decent first birthday.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Let me be I'm thankful for our freedom to elect our leaders. At least kind of. The whole Electoral College thing real screws with us but for the most part our votes sort of count. Most of us take our freedom and our ability to vote for granted but I've had the opportunity to see places where people don't have these awesome opportunities and we really are fortunate. I live in a state where (regardless of affiliation) my vote doesn't really get a voice one way or the other but I believe it's still important to have my say. I took Mr. F for his first voting experience and he definitely had his say! Glad we didn't get kicked out. It will be interesting to watch him develop his own political opinions over the next 18 years and to try really hard not to influence his views. I HATED when kids would tell me how awful a candidate is/was but couldn't tell me why. I hope I'm able to guide him to think for himself.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Friends & Family
Yesterday was Mr. F's 1st birthday party and it was great! We were surrounded by so many friends and family members that the hole left by the one person that wasn't here didn't feel so heartbreaking. I'm so grateful for all the people she left in our lives and all the relationships she nurtured for so long. We had over 50 people stop by yesterday to see the little man kind of dig into his cake. I don't use this word lightly as it's cliche but we really are "blessed" to have so many great people in our lives.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Missing Mom
I hate that she wasn't here today. She missed a perfect day. A run/walk in her honor this morning and Mr. F's first birthday party this afternoon. I hope she would have been proud and I know she would have been honored to see all of the people that still think of her daily and love her. I miss her everyday and feel less of a person without her but today I'm grateful for the 29 years I was able to spend with her. I love you and miss you so much Mom.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Perfect Life Of...
Friday, November 2, 2012
Today and everyday I am thankful for my sister. We have been best friends for years and get lost without each other. I'm still not convinced we came from the same genes as she is infinitely kind, loving, and generous (and always late). She is the eternal positive thinker and finds joy in the littlest things, which makes for really long shopping trips ;) while constantly taking care of everyone else. Sister is another of the 3 people in the world Mr. F loves and he loves her dearly. She gives him hugs, kisses, and anything he wants. Unfortunately, for her husband she seems to have adopted Mr. F and me as part of her household. She never asks for anything but always feeds us, shops for us, and welcomes us into her chaos. She never judges, at least out loud, and is always forgiving. I'm never as kind to her (fatal personality flaw) and yet she loves me anyway and most of the time accepts me for the B I can be.
Sister, like my mother, always puts her needs behind those of other's. That is what brought her home to us this time. When our mom got sick again (don't read this if you're under 18 or a prude...FUCK CANCER!) she immediately got on a plane, left her kids and came home to hold all of our hands and hearts. By the time she booked her plane back to Kentucky she had made the decision to move her entire life back home to be here for Mom, Dad, and me. As soon as she, my brother-in-law, and her
Love you Sister
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Oh November...easily one of the best months of the year. It could have come a little sooner for me because October was really getting on my nerves.
Obviously, I'm a fairly negative person most of the time. This November I'm going to attempt to not only be positive but to be thankful too! What a concept? Admittedly, this will be tough. Luckily, today was a great day so I have a whole list of things to be thankful for. I'm only going to list a few though just in case I get ungrateful later in the month, I'll have a reserve.
Today I'm grateful for family that (finally!) lives close by and a very fashionable mother-in-law.
The husband and I have been in Texas for a while and through all sorts of strange events finally have almost all of our family close by. I think we probably resemble the Griswolds on occasion (I'm still waiting on his Christmas bonus to get the pool) but I'm grateful for each of them. At least a little bit. One I am very grateful for is my m-i-l.
My m-i-l is probably cooler than your m-i-l. For real. She is one of the 3 people in this world Mr. F loves, she can make anything, she owns everything (seriously), she is kind and generous but above all she is fashionable! I can ask her anything about clothing and she'll shoot straight without making me cry. She shops at my favorite store, Anthropolgie and is better dressed than most people. I know, you don't believe me. No one has a good m-i-l, or at least that's what TV has led me to believe, but I do and today I'm grateful for her.
What are you grateful for?
Monday, October 29, 2012
Green Bean Painting
Think he'll want this piece when he's older? |
Yay! Using his hands! |