Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Painted Rug

This is one of those Pinterest projects that may or may not be worth the money saved.
Let me state the obvious, painting chevrons is a meticulous pain in the ass.
A friend of mine asked me to help her make a painted rug.  Seriously, whose idea was it to purposefully put paint on a rug? Anyway, I did a little research and decided to try my own first.  Pretty much everything I read raved about how it doesn't really feel like paint. Wrong. Maybe I need to wash mine first but it definitely feels and looks like paint.  However, if you still want a painted rug these are the steps I took...

I started with this awesomely cheap rug from Ikea, aka DIY Headquarters.  It already had a chevron pattern sewn in so that literally cut the work in half. If you have a blank rug making chevrons goes from being a pain in the ass to masochism.
Luckily, my head didn't explode during this tape job. The husband lovingly played with Mr. F while I had choice words with my tape.  Now for the first layer of paint.  I'm starting to add some red into my otherwise grey existence and this if officially my first "piece."
I will say that for the first time ever my tape job worked!
Instead of taping...again! I just pulled the tape off and free handed the grey paint.  It took longer but I really think my mental health was preserved. 

Any finally....

 What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. This rug is great. I'm headed to IKEA later today to start one of my own.
