Thursday, September 13, 2012

Eating My Words #1

Before Mr.F you never would have seen me at a consignment store or even a Ross. It wasn't because I was a brand name junkie or super snob (though my husband would say differently) it's because I hate to dig. Digging is a problem for me for several reasons...
1. I'm not creative. Putting two things together without seeing them first on the way too skinny manikin, with her size 2 clothes pinned behind her, isn't easy for me.
2. My OCD kicks into overdrive as well. I want nice neat racks with similar colored items placed 1/2 an inch apart.
3. My third item is what the husband says makes me a snob. I truly believe in quality over quantity. I love to shop but unfortunately I look less like Kate Hudson and more like Kirstie Alley. So when I find a pair of pants that not only fit but also look good, I don't care how much they cost...I NEED them!
Now I could just be incredibly unlucky but I've never found an outfit at a "digging store" that has been able to help me overlook the previously stated issues. That is until I had a kid. I hate when I have to use cliche terms but that kid is growing like a weed! He's only 10 months old and already wearing 18-24 months clothes! As we are now a single income family his wardrobe was eating up my entire "kid budget" and apparently he still expected to eat. So I put on my big girl panties, sucked it up, and went to a consignment sale.
Oh My God!
Those mamas can get crazy! It was like a wedding dress sale in there. No one was actively pushing that I saw but I definitely saw some snatching going on. I quickly grabbed what was left and found a secluded corner to sort through my finds without worrying that Gollum was behind me ready to take my loot. I then stood in line for half an hour while watching my back AND keeping Mr.F from bolting out of the stroller. However, I will admit it was worth getting to the register and having a new(ish) winter wardrobe for Mr. F and some toys for $85. Seriously, $85. Who knew?
I can't say I'm a convert for myself yet but until my little man stops blowing through sizes every three weeks I think I'll brave another digging session.
New (to us) clothes!

He may actually have the fattest little feet on the planet.  These brand new hideous Crocks (still had the price tag on them) retail for $40! We got them for $15.  Yes, please!

He can't get any of these in his mouth and he still loves this toy!

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